Technical Services
CEI has access to the complete laboratories and services of WCU with excellent PhD chemists, engineers, and forensic experts. We offer a wide-variety of services, from DNA analysis to chemical analysis. CEI has assisted multiple outside organizations with analyses of human and animal remains, biodiesel fuel testing, hemp testing, and other detailed analyses.
Hemp Testing
Hemp production is North Carolina’s hot, new industry. Testing standards are no yet uniform, so it is worthwhile to work with degreed experts to understand particle sizes, CBD components, fiber extraction, and other variables of hemp production. With access to university labs, testing equipment, and expertise, CEI can help your hemp-related business to grow, develop products, and improve processes.
Forensic Testing
Forensic testing is the gathering of data for analysis and use in legal proceedings, depending on the laws of particular jurisdictions.
Animal Remains Testing
The goal of postmortem genetic testing is to try to identify the cause of death and identify if blood relatives are at-risk for a genetic disease or sudden death.
Chemistry Analysis
Analytical chemistry is the science of obtaining, processing, and communicating information about the composition and structure of matter.
Foreign Substance Lab Analysis
Foreign material analysis is a technology that specializes in analyzing the composition of tiny embedded foreign bodies or surface contaminants or precipitates on the product.
83% rated the experience as “positive and enjoyable”
85% reported improved results and value
84% found better strategy and motivation